Summer is For Everyone – Cool Fruit at the Beach

Summer is for Everyone is as whimsical as it comes, as two fruits enjoy summer and beach life with the best of them. They brought all the accoutrements, including surfboards and boat drinks. I gave the pineapple a Malibu Sunset, and wanted to give the coconut a Pina Colada, but wondered if that just made them cannibals or something silly like that 🙂 ? Anyway, the point is that this illustration simply makes me smile.

Here's the backstory I imagine:

One particularly sunny day, a coconut and a pineapple decided to hit the beach and soak up some rays. No this is not the opening to a joke. These two fellows took their beach-ery very seriously. With unspoken agreement and unabashed glee, they packed their beach bags with all the essentials - sunscreen, towels, surfboards, and of course, their favorite boat drinks. Coconut was impish in his nautical attire and Lennon sunglasses, while pineapple was forever cool and needed nothing more than his matching blue wayfarers and hairstyle. He always looked smooth.

At the beach, they strolled down the sandy shore, looking for the perfect spot to set up camp. They wanted a spot with plenty of sun and palm trees, but also some shade for when they needed a break from the heat. Eventually, they found the ideal location with a few empty deck chairs between two palm trees, and it looked like paradise.

The coconut and the pineapple hung up their beach towels and laid down on their hammocks, sipping their drinks and enjoying the view. The coconut was sort of excited to try out his new surfboard, but the pineapple was content to relax and soak up the sun and alcohol for the time being. Coconut said he would would wait too then. As they basked in the warmth, the coconut joked about how he could never get a tan, and the pineapple quipped that he wished he had legs so he could dip his toes in the water.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past them, sending their towels flying and their drinks spilling. The coconut and the pineapple scrambled to grab their other things before they blew away, and looking up, saw a giant wave heading towards them. The pineapple yelled to his friend to jump on his surfboard for now was the right time to ride the incoming wave, but the coconut was mortified and wrapped himself in the hammock strings attached to the nearby palm tree and clung for dear life.

When the wave finally receded, it carried the flailing and bobbing coconut out to sea with it, but pineapple was still safely afloat on his board having hung ten. The pineapple paddled as best he could to reach his best friend, and after much effort, pulled him up and onto the board. They both took a side and rowed, but mostly floated, slowly back to shore. When they finally reached land, they dropped down exhausted and looked at each other in sheer disbelief at the event. Pineapple was ecstatic, while coconut was horrified. Both agreed not to come here again though.

After their adventure, the coconut and the pineapple decided to stick to sunbathing and drinking boat drinks at the pool, with the occasional dip in the water to cool off. They may not be the most daring adventurers, but they are sun lovers, and know the importance of having a good time in the summer heat. Summer life is just in their nature.

Here are some examples of this design on merch and decor from my Redbubble store (click on any to visit the store):

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