about me

I have been a graphic designer, writer, and a vagabond for decades. Being creative has been my true north. Anytime things get chaotic or confusing, I express myself artistically, and somehow it all just gets better.

Liquid Dream Art Series #79
Expression is freedom!

I have a broad range of taste and style, and most of my art is whimsical and random. Ideas will pop in when they are ready and I just follow the lead. Lately I am particularly enjoying fractal art. The sheer astonishing beauty of mathematics expressed in colors, shapes, and forms never ceases to take my breath away.

I also do custom designs, album covers, and a variety of artwork for all sorts of occasions. If you need something modified or created, please feel free to contact me.

latest news

Most of my artwork can be purchased on Redbubble, Tee Public, & Zazzle.