Blue Angel Abstract Fantasy Art

This is a fantasy in my mind of an angel in prayer position with wings outstretched and deeply engaged in some request or Orans to the universe. Maybe the angel is praying or maybe the angel is watching. Giving it just enough definition to know its action, but enough blur to allow for interpretation, lets me try to portray the ineffable, maybe a little bit of what we mundanely call the spirit realm.

Here is some speculation on angels:

Various religious and spiritual beliefs propose the existence of celestial entities that watch over and guide humanity from a higher dimension.

First, the multiverse theory suggests that there may be an infinite number of universes that exist alongside our own, each with its own unique physical laws and properties. Maybe this angel is an entity from one of these parallel universes and is able to observe and interact with our own universe through the use of wormholes,  or other undreamt-of traversal methods.

Moreover, physics suggests that our universe may have more than the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we understand currently. So maybe our angel exists in these higher dimensions and is to perceive and interact with our own three-dimensional universe in ways that are beyond our ken.

Finally, there are some fascinating scientific studies on near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences that provide evidence for the existence of angels. Consistent reports from people having near-death experiences claim seeing angels and other spiritual beings during the experience, with some having actual communication with them.

Thanks to new understandings of consciousness and quantum physics, some scientists hypothesize that consciousness may exist independently of the physical body and that it may actually be connected to a higher dimension. This would support the idea that angels, as entities of a high level of consciousness, may also exist in this higher dimension. So the watcher may be there, standing between worlds, a keen eye trained upon us as we evolve out of the material and toward the higher dimensions of being.

Here are some examples from my Redbubble store (click on any image to visit the store):

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