Last One Drink Lovers Graphic Art

Last one for the road illustration is a whimsical design for alcohol drinkers and drink lovers. It features a skeleton holding a cocktail outside a last chance saloon before the open desert. 

Daffid went to Las Vegas with a group of his friends to celebrate Jacko's 50th birthday. They hit up all the casinos and bars, and Daffid indulged in far too many free drinks, as was his bent. Before he knew it, he had lost almost all his money and all his friends, who, angry at the drunk, stupid Daffid, had ditched him.

Feeling sorry for himself, Daffid stumbled around the strip looking for a way back to his hotel. He saw a tourist bus and, in his drunken haze, thought it was his ticket home. So he got on and passed out.

An hour later, he woke up to find the bus had stopped at a rundown saloon in the middle of the open road at the edge of the Nevada desert. Daffid stumbled inside and ordered another drink, hoping to forget his misfortunes. Before he could take a sip, a huge brawl broke out.

The other patrons were throwing punches left and right, and Daffid was caught in the middle. He tried to stay out of it, but a burly cowboy accidentally knocked him over. Daffid hit his head on the bar and blacked out.

When he came to, the bar was empty. Everyone had gone outside to continue the fight. Daffid figured it was his chance to sneak out and find a way back to Las Vegas. But as he stepped out into the desert sun, he realized he was completely alone. The field around the saloon, the barn in back, the roads converging around, were all empty.

Daffid wandered around the saloon premises aimlessly for a while, hoping for a drunken miracle. Feeling defeated, Daffid plopped down on a rock and pulled out the last bit of cash he had left.  Maybe he should order himself one last drink for the road, figuring he might as well enjoy himself while he waited for some kind of  rescue.

As he got up to return to the bar, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He looked over to see a group of tumbleweeds rolling towards him. In his drunken state, Daffid imagined they were some kind of desert monsters and started to panic.  But as the tumbleweeds rolled closer and into his focus, he realized they were actually a group of cowboys on horseback. They had come to check out the saloon after hearing about the fight.

The cowboys saw Daffid and rode over to him. They asked him what he was doing out there, and Daffid slurred something about losing his friends and needing a ride back to Las Vegas.

The cowboys took pity on him and offered to give him a ride back to civilization. Daffid was so grateful, he amiably offered to buy them all a round of drinks at the next saloon they came across.

The cowboys chuckled and said they didn't need any more drinks, and reminded him he looked like he had already had his fill at the last chance saloon. And with that, they helped Daffid onto their horse and rode off to their own property where they could arrange a ride for the addled stranger.

Daffid never learned any lesson from his bizarre experience. He eventually got back to Vegas the next morning and left with his friends, who all berated him for his misbehavior and the ridiculous recounting of his adventure. It was indeed an adventure, but so blurred that Daffid knew not what to make of it. Such was the nature of his drinking habit. So for now, one last drink for the road will remain his motto.

Here are some examples of this design from my Redbubble store (click on any to visit the store):

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