Support Gray Rights Funny Alien Protest Science Fiction Art

I was watching a protest march and the idea that of all the great causes, why not include our alien friends the grays and their rights too? They have no representation on Earth, so now they do! Let's get together and support their right to abduct us, experiment on us, and to constantly crash into us.

Here is the story of one such protest march:

The sky was a brilliant shade of orange as the sun set over the city. The streets were filled with a diverse group of beings, all marching together for a common cause. Humans had conquered all their own species foibles and had nothing but harmonious peace. So in their need to support the downtrodden, a group had joined gray aliens, and walked side by side, signs and banners held high, their voices united in a powerful chorus of protest.

The gray aliens, with their tall, slender bodies and large, almond-shaped eyes, had long been crashing into our planet in their faulty vehicles or our pesky radio waves. Almost every country had its own captured gray alien, and most were doing all manner of probing experimentation. Today, a group of brave cross-species individuals had come together to stand up for the gray's rights, and to demand an end to the atrocities being committed against them by human governments.

The march was led by a young human woman named Sarah, who had been working tirelessly to bring attention to the plight of one group after another, and now it was the gray aliens. As the march progressed, the crowd grew larger and more energetic. The gray aliens, who were often seen as timid and passive, were now standing tall and proud, their voices joining in the chants and cheers. They were no longer willing to be silent victims.

As the march reached its destination, a large government building, the crowd grew louder and more determined. They would not be ignored any longer. They would not rest until the gray aliens were granted the rights and freedoms they deserved. The right to return to their UFO's and fly back to their mother ships.

The doors to the building opened and a group of government officials stepped out to address the crowd. They were met with a chorus of jeers and boos, but Sarah stepped forward, her voice strong and clear.

"We are here today to demand justice for the gray aliens who have been taken and  subjected to cruel and inhumane experiments. We will not rest until they are freed and given the rights they deserve as sentient beings."

The officials tried to speak, but the crowd's cheers drowned them out. It was clear that the message had been heard loud and clear. As the march came to an end and the crowd dispersed, Sarah knew that their work was far from over. But for the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope. Change was coming, and they would be there to see it through.

From that day on, the more media-forward government officials took notice of the plight of the Gray aliens, and slowly started the process of discussing the experimentation, and maybe stopping? The march was a turning point in the history of the Gray aliens, and it was all thanks to the bravery and determination of a few individuals who always stood up for what was right.

Here are some examples from my Redbubble store (click on any to visit the store):

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