Huzzah – Warrior Cat Guardian Illustration

Huzzah! I love medieval armor, weapons, and shields, and I love cats (well all animals). This is what I imagine my cat would look like as a swashbuckling medieval guardian warrior. I see him as having a little Errol Flynn going on -- cute, but oh so earnest, and just enough dangerous.

Turns out our warrior cat is a hero of great repute:

In the quiet village of Meadowbrook, the streets were lined with quaint cottages, and the people lived simple lives. It was a peaceful place, untouched by the turmoil of the outside world. But one day, the tranquility was shattered as the sound of battle drums echoed across the secluded valley. The villagers cowered and ran in fear as a horde of soldier rats descended upon them, their beady eyes gleaming with malice.

The rats were led by a fearsome general, known as Scar Tail, a villainous creature with an insatiable hunger for power, or was it food? Anyway, the villagers knew they were no match for the invading army, and all hope seemed lost. That is until a figure emerged from the woods, clad in shining armor and wielding a magnificent sword. It was none other than the proud, swashbuckling, handsome medieval-armored warrior cat known as Sir Regie.

Now Sir Regie was a legend in these parts, known for his bravery and dashing good looks. With his fabulous goatee and his eyes ablaze, he charged towards the rats, sword flashing in the sunlight. The villagers took heart, as the rats were taken aback by his display of courage and his renowned skill. But quickly they regrouped and swarmed towards him, and clearly things were dire.

Sir Regie was terribly outnumbered, despite his size advantage, and while he fought with all his might, determined to protect the village from harm, the swarm seemed endless. His sword sliced through the air, and the rats fell like wheat before the flashing scythe. But there were just too many of them, and soon Sir Regie found himself overwhelmed.

Just when all hope seemed lost, something miraculous happened. The frightened villagers, who had been cowering in their homes, saw the valiant efforts of Sir Regie on their behalf and began to gather in the streets. They came out armed with anything they could find: pitchforks, shovels, and even broomsticks. With a newfound courage, they charged towards the rats, following Sir Regie's lead, and swatting clumps of rats at a time.

The battle was fierce, and the village was awash with the clash of steel against steel, wood against steel, and the horrific sound of screeching rat soldiers. But the combined forces of Sir Regie and the newly-come brave villagers finally proved too much for Scar Tail and his horde. With a final, mighty blow, Sir Regie struck down the evil general, and the rats scattered like leaves in the wind.

The village was saved, and Sir Regie emerged as a hero of legend. The villagers hailed him as their savior, and he basked in the adoration, choosing to remain in the village for quite some time to regale himself of the rewards on offer.  From that day on, Sir Regie became a famous symbol of hope for the people of Meadowbrook, and was adopted as a son of the village, the brave cat warrior whose legend would live on for generations to come.

Here are some examples from my Redbubble store (click on any to visit the store):

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