Wine Makes me Fabulous Funny Wine Lovers Saying

I think it's fair to say that alcohol does a good job of breaking down barriers of all kinds. The phrase 'Dutch Courage' refers to drinking's ability to lower inhibitions, increase social engagement, and raise self-esteem. Dutch soldiers, who were known for their bravery in wartime, would drink jenever, a strong alcoholic beverage, before going into battle to calm their nerves and give them courage. (It was also used as a slight by British soldiers who claimed the Dutch were only brave when they drank.)

I can't tell you how many of my friends and acquaintances came alive after a few drinks. My reserved friend Nancy, who is a wallflower at most times, becomes absolutely fabulous after a few glasses of wine. I have my own fond, sketchy, and hilarious memories of alcohol setting me free from my British bonds of decorum as a boy.

Alcohol has it's list of benefits, and one might say that alcohol has even been the grease that loosened the wheels of society, allowing us to forge through impasses and difficulties.  Lowered inhibitions can lead to increased sociability and reduced social anxiety, which in most circumstances is a good thing (with limits of course). Alcohol can make us feel more comfortable in social situations, allowing us to be more talkative, outgoing, and confident. For many people, this is no small thing. Social anxiety is a huge psychological factor for most humans.

By reducing our social anxiety, it is easier for us to approach others or start conversations. These effects can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with shyness, poor social skills, or self-esteem, as alcohol can provide a temporary boost in confidence and self-perception. Now I won't venture into the consequences of abuse, as we are talking benefits, but obviously there is a line between helping and hindering.

Moreover, as a creative person, I can definitely attest to alcohol's ability to increase creativity -- it loosens the mind and makes us more open to new ideas and experiences. It can also reduce our self-consciousness and make it easier for us to express ourselves in ways we might not normally feel comfortable doing. These effects can be particularly beneficial for artists, writers, and musicians, who may find that alcohol helps them tap into their creative potential. Try being an artist and British! It's the daily double of self-doubt. So a glass of wine or two is definitely a conduit to our muse.

Maybe best of all, lowered inhibitions can also lead to increased intimacy and emotional connection with others. Alcohol can make us more open and vulnerable, leading us to share our thoughts and feelings more freely with others. This can lead to deeper emotional connections and increased feelings of empathy and understanding. In romantic relationships, alcohol can increase feelings of intimacy and closeness, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling connections.

So, raise your glass in moderate celebration of the power of wine to make you fabulous. In just the right amount, it can be a super power, no doubt.  Cheers my friends. To your good health and self-esteem.

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