Keep Calm & Carry Wine Funny Wine Lovers World War 2 Poster Art

My mother has long been a wine aficionado, and being British, inspired this silly wine lovers world war two poster style design. You might think that this is just another cute drinkers slogan, but wine was actually an integral part of the British survival mechanism during the second world war. So this is more than a wino pun, it's actual historical fact.

Wine (and alcohol in general, of course) played an important role in morale boosting for both soldiers and civilians during World War 2. From fortified wines to makeshift stills, the British utilized their love of alcohol in unique and innovative ways to, shall we say, keep spirits high, especially during the darkest days of the war.

Wine was ubiquitous considering the scarcity of so many resources. People always found a way to get hold of some plonk. One especially popular drink among soldiers was the "Purple Heart," a fortified wine made from mixing port and plum. The drink was particularly easy to make, and also portable, so could be enjoyed in the trenches or on the battlefield. The alcohol content was high, providing a quick boost to morale, and the sweetness of the plum juice made it a popular choice among the troops.

Most interestingly, wine was actually used as a means of bartering and currency on the black market. It was widely traded for goods and services, especially in occupied territories where the local currency was actually useless. In such areas, wine and other alcoholic beverages were often the only form of currency accepted. The British army even went as far as to create their own wine rations, which were distributed to soldiers as a part of their daily rations. God love the Brits!

Wine and alcohols were also used to boost morale via the creation of "make-do" bars. These were set up in bomb shelters, underground tunnels, and other safe areas where soldiers and civilians could gather to have a drink and forget about the war for a while. The British government even supplied these pop-up bars with alcohol, recognizing the importance of keeping spirits high during such a difficult time. The whole of human history is intertwined with alcohol, and wine is still king among drinks.

The tavern or pub is still the center of many communities, but it was especially crucial in entertaining soldiers and civilians during World War 2. From concerts to sing-alongs to plays and performances, the British used wine and alcohol as a way to bring people together and distract them from the horrors of war. Even in times of hardship, the love of alcohol was a constant reminder of the British spirit and the unwavering determination to keep going. Go on, take a swig!

These efforts were a testament to the power of wine in bringing people together, even in the face of adversity. So don't think of it as humor, think of it as pragmatism. Keep calm and carry wine! Cheers my friends. To your good health.

Here are some examples from my Redbubble store (click on any to visit the store):

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